- Prototype
---@return string, err
function pwd() end
- Introduce
pwd returns working directory for current program
- Prototype
---@param k string
---@return string, err
function whereis(k) end
- Introduce
whereis returns absolute path for given environment variable.
- Prototype
---@param k string
---@param v string
function alias(k, v) end
- Introduce
alias takes an alias v for k, and it isn't directly call alias command on terminal or shell but saves it in the program's memory for mapping commands the sh
function call.
- Example
alias("CC", "go")
sh("$CC version")
- Prototype
---@vararg string
function unalias(...) end
- Introduce
unalias remove mapping relationship from alias.
- Example
alias("CC", "go")
sh("$CC version")
- Prototype
---@param k string
---@param v string
---@return err
function export(k, v) end
- Introduce
export sets user's environment variable for ever. If you only want to set temporary or local variable, see the exportl
- Example
-- hardly hurt
-- append write into PATH when value isn't exist, and it's available on windows,
-- which meant that it isn't required using Path instead of PATH.
-- please keep cautious!!!
export("PATH", "/bin/yock") -- it'll overwrite entire PATH's value
- Prototype
---@param k string
function unset(k) end
- Introduce
unset removes specified environment variable for ever. If you only want to set temporary, or local variable, see the unsetl
function. Just like export, the unset function supports entire delete and deletes one of values for specified key.
- Example
# entire deletes
# deletes one of values for specified key
- Prototype
---@param k string
---@param v string
---@return err
function exportl(k, v) end
- Introduce
exportl set temporary or local environment variable, and less like the export
function it fails to write by append, and only supports to overwrite entire key, which meant you may need two step to complete append operation.
- Prototype
---@param k string
---@return err
function unsetl(k) end
- Introduce
unsetl removes temporary or local environment variable, and less like the export
function it fails to removes one of values, and only supports to remove entire key, which meant you may need two step to complete append operation.
- Prototype
---@return table<string, string>
function environ() end
---@param k string
---@return string[]
function environ(k) end
- Introduce
overload 1
environ returns all environment variables
overload 2
environ returns values of environment variables k, and if v includes multiple values (e.g. PATH), then it'll be split into string array.