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Yockd (daemon)

The Yock authorsLess than 1 minute

Yockd declares yock's daemon configuration, which used for launching yockd backend process and connecting peers to build P2P or central cluster.

Self boot

    yockd = {
        self_boot = true,
        name = "master"
        port = 1314,

Yock will launch daemon at the moment of runing script when self_boot is true and port is to be specified.


Checks whether the daemon is already running every self-boot process. It'll not launch, when existed. Of course, you can change port's value to run different daemon, and it's not recommended. The script of yock only supports to connect with the unique yockd.

Build cluster


Yet not finished, and please not use.

    yockd = {
        self_boot = false,
        port = 1314,
        name = "master",
        peer = {
            master = {
                ip = "",
                port = 1314,
                public = false
            node1 = {
                ip = "",
                port = 1314,
                public = true
            node2 = {
                ip = "",
                port = 1314,
                public = false

Regardless of P2P or central cluster building, only needs to list peer todo-list, and interpreter would report for yockd in internal to build cluster automatically. The peer field is stored based-on kv format, where key expresses node's name. That's the configuration of local daemon, if name's value is equal to node's name (the above example is master). Based on the feature, only changing name field can build cluster network without sensitive in different host by the same todo-list.